Mario's Graduation
So... two months later, I'm finally getting around to posting this... I'm very proud of Mario for graduating from a grueling 5 year program at Pratt Institute, one of the top Architecture schools in the country.
Featuring: Sara (my best friend who lives in Vegas), Andrew (my brother), Jim (my dad), and of course Mario!! Oh, and his fam is in there too for a split sec.
If your wondering about that Sprint conclusion vid I promised, sorry, I'm never going to make it... just way too OVER the whole thing. The important facts are these: I got my money back and the bad guy got caught. Don't know how Sprint will proceed now that they've found him... it's out of my hands...
Anyway, enough yucky stuff! Go watch Mario graduate and Sara do her famous fake singing.

Featuring: Sara (my best friend who lives in Vegas), Andrew (my brother), Jim (my dad), and of course Mario!! Oh, and his fam is in there too for a split sec.
If your wondering about that Sprint conclusion vid I promised, sorry, I'm never going to make it... just way too OVER the whole thing. The important facts are these: I got my money back and the bad guy got caught. Don't know how Sprint will proceed now that they've found him... it's out of my hands...
Anyway, enough yucky stuff! Go watch Mario graduate and Sara do her famous fake singing.

At 7:22 PM,
Josh Leo said…
Just what i asked for! More unboomed...congrats to mario and keep the videos coming...
At 11:21 PM,
Carl Weaver said…
Way to go, Mario! Good video, Amanda, but a bit irreverent. Haha. Funny how you are obviously uninterested with the tradition and are having fun mocking the bald guy.
On the negative side, that's my hair style just a few years down the road...
Keep on trucking!
At 12:15 PM,
GoGo said…
Dr Katx is the fashizzle izzzle
double dribble!!
Have you ever watched "Home Movies"? (Cartoon Network)
Its of the Dr Katz ilk.
And the video.. Stop picking on balding guys!!!! Jeeese.
At 5:47 AM,
Zadi said…
Cool! Congratulations to Mario. I've spent quite some time at Pratt because of my significant other - it's a great school. Always wished I had gone there. :)
At 2:46 AM,
Annie said…
wow, architecture is innnntense. congrats to mario :)
seriously though, how could you sit behind a guy with a PERFECT bald spot and NOT vlog it?
At 6:32 PM,
supersecretdancesociety said…
I feel like a strange member of your family - nothing like us all attending a graduation together...(sigh)
At 1:14 PM,
bigshoulders said…
the video is broken for me too. but the image of that poor man's head is burned in me brain!
At 5:23 AM,
Wade said…
Amanda---You are a great looking girl. I used to watch Dr. Katz a lot, I am now in Iraq as you might guess we don't get it out here!!! I was wondering if you could tell me how you put the video on your blog, I have been trying to figure it out for months but can't. I sure would appreciate it!! Thanks.
SSgt W. L. Covington, USMC
At 2:53 PM,
Alex said…
Nice video of the back of peoples heads!!! YeS!!! And Sarah's voice is likened a Spritely Faerie!!! Even though it was fake.
Anyway, you may want to get some help for that foot thing in the hem of the balding guys waistband issue you got going on. Nice toering!
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