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Amanda UnBoomed

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Look at Leila

My best friend just started a new show. It's unbelievable. Make sure to watch till the end. It just gets better and better...


  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger Ethan T said…

    a) Now I'm drunk
    b) Is Leila actually aware that she has a videoblog?
    c) Dark and foamy?

  • At 8:31 PM, Blogger Amanda said…

    Yep, I helped her set it up. She knows.

    "Dark and foamy" and the pimple part are my two favorites.

  • At 9:23 PM, Blogger WO7 said…

    Amanda...I'm speechless.

  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    she's funny, fool and nice I think she'll have success...

  • At 4:47 PM, Blogger Dave LaMorte said…

    I'm so excited Bre Pettis is apart of RB now. I just did an interview with him that I'm going to be posting on my podcast. He's actually even nicer than he seems on his vid casts.

  • At 6:35 PM, Blogger BionicBuddha said…

    Great Blogsite...interesting commentary on Nicole Ritchie. Let's hope she can pull out of her obsession with her weight. It's too bad society turns people into self obsessesed narcisists -

  • At 12:19 AM, Blogger said…

    May 1, 1886, labor unions were beginning a movement for an eight-hour day. Union activists called a one day general strike in Chicago, but as the rest of the world celebrates today and my fellow Americans back in the states don't... I'll leave you with quick glib quib about the year 1886 instead.

    True crime fiction and a case for Dr. Katz... HH Holmes aka Dr. Death, and American's first serial killer.. and did his dirty work this same year."The strange case of Dr. Holmes" Take a gander, It is pure blood curddling non-crime fiction. Jenkies!

    On a side note, view Leia's comments or below to see the word "curd" used a different way. Curddles, toodles, and adios.

    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    May Day, and a day off here in 2006.

  • At 6:43 PM, Blogger atomicelroy said…

    I quit drinking 5 years ago... I was never happy about it until now!

  • At 9:12 PM, Blogger Paul Michael Peters said…

    Please post something new for the love of monkeys and all that is good and fuzzy!

  • At 12:27 AM, Blogger sstayrook said…

    Dr. Katz rules. Wait, I'm supposed to let you know this, no? Not the correct place to do so? Drat. Nevermind. Season 1 is coming out soon. I bought all five seasons from some dude on ebay but they came with commercials that he obviously fast-forwarded through. Badly. His fast-forwarding skills leave much to be desired. Oh, and some episodes have horrendous sync problems.

    Viva Rocketboom.


  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger Ben said…

    Hey, love the boom and the blog. Had a rue over it, but thought long and hard before realizing vlogs aren't so bad. Just wearing floods at the prom. Do you know how to add little quicktime bars for music too? I've had trouble with finding the html.

    btw, I thought the katrinaboom was nervepealingly accurate. Who (howwasit) thought up?


  • At 1:20 AM, Blogger V J.D. said…

    1 part Coke, 1 part Meth, 2 parts Shrooms = Leila's Pre-Vlog Special


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