Meet me at Pioneer Theatre in NYC TONIGHT at 7pm
Yo! Please come say hi. Andrew and I want to meet you. See the best of RB on the big screen babies!
East 3rd Street, between Avenues A and B (closer to A) * New York City
showtimes (212) 591 0434
advance tickets: call (800) 595 4849 (service charges do apply)
or click here for tix to this RB event.
It'll only be fun if you are there, so come!!
I love Santa Monica!
East 3rd Street, between Avenues A and B (closer to A) * New York City
showtimes (212) 591 0434
advance tickets: call (800) 595 4849 (service charges do apply)
or click here for tix to this RB event.
It'll only be fun if you are there, so come!!
I love Santa Monica!

At 8:45 AM,
Unknown said…
I'd only come if you play the dinner kits.
Actually, I live in FL, so even if you do play the dinner kit remixes, I'll just have to imagine them on the big screen.
At 1:52 PM,
josh said…
that's so my luck. Why couldn't you do this last week when I was actually in NY?!
At 9:37 PM,
F Daum said…
I went, it was fun
At 1:52 PM,
Brian said…
Good Dr. Katz news, Amanda.
Season one is avaiable on DVD starting May 9th.
At 11:21 PM,
art & thought mechanic said…
I was homeless for two weeks on Santa Monica last last december. I slept during the day on the beach and livejournaled at night in wireless cafes. Way before i knew what videobloging is and was.
I love it there.
Best of the best to you and Andrew's success.
Rocketboom Yeah!
At 10:57 AM,
david said…
every dr. katz is "the best one" -- but, honestly, the BEST BEST ONE EVER has to be the one where ben and katz try to record some songs using a 4-track in the bedroom. katz is testing the mic and he quotes spinal tap: "HELLO CLEAVLAND!"
i've e-mailed with tom snyder, who created dr. katz, and he agrees.
also gotta LOVE laura silverman in that show.
At 9:55 AM,
Casey McKinnon said…
My boyfriend and I were really hoping to go and since he often travels to NYC, we were hoping to time a trip so we could go to the Daily Show and your Pioneer Theatre gig. Unfortunately, it was my boss who said no... so I couldn't get the time off.
Perhaps next time...
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