What the hell am I doing?
SHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's a secret. Uh, no, it's not. I'm still figuring out my long term plans. For now, I can tell you that I am working on an *interim* project with a certain insanely awesome videoblogger. We should post it next week.
For now, check out this beautiful entry by Ironic1. Ironic1 always left very insightful comments on the RB comment board. Enabling those kind of connections is what makes videoblogging so freaking outta control amazing to me.
I've learned a lot and continue to learn from Robert Scoble (both on and offline-- and whether he knows it or not) about how to build a strong relationship with my viewers/friends. He's nailed that, in my opinion. I hope to continue communicating with all of you just as he communicates with his audience.
For now, check out this beautiful entry by Ironic1. Ironic1 always left very insightful comments on the RB comment board. Enabling those kind of connections is what makes videoblogging so freaking outta control amazing to me.
I've learned a lot and continue to learn from Robert Scoble (both on and offline-- and whether he knows it or not) about how to build a strong relationship with my viewers/friends. He's nailed that, in my opinion. I hope to continue communicating with all of you just as he communicates with his audience.
At 11:02 AM,
k said…
At 1:37 PM,
Who are we? said…
So, is it time for CongdonBoom? Look I've got a camera I can loan ya. It's an XL1S, but that means its got firewire capability.
What say we put together a site to get you back on the air? I can get the bandwidth/storage from some partners.
('uomhbhsh' for me. How'd you guys get such small verifications?)
At 1:43 PM,
Who are we? said…
What say we all put together a site to Amanda back on the air, eh? As was pointed out, a video blog can be run from freakin' anywhere as long as you got internet access and a video camera.
Ok, a computer helps, so does a studio, but, Amanda, you don't want to go the way of dodo, do you?
I have some partners that can probably help with the site/bandwidth and, frankly, I can donate a camera for a while (its an XL1S, not new, but it is miniDV with firewire).
Heck, you can always pick one up at Circuit City on their 30 day money back return policy.
At 1:48 PM,
Brandon said…
You are always welcome at The "Schlenkie" Report. And I don't mean a job or anything serious like that. I just mean if you ever come up with an idea for a video blog I will gladly host it. Remember you are always welcome!
At 1:59 PM,
J Anderson said…
As so many people say: "You are Rocketboom"
Frankly, Ironic1 is right - leave it to the historians and let's all move on.
At 4:25 PM,
JuanFalla said…
I'm glad to sense a new positive tone about your future! Nice to know you're workign with someone which will be up and running soon. Can't wait to see it.
At 4:50 PM,
WO7 said…
Amanda...you can leave Drew a nice gift by selling your 49% to Dick Cheney.
At 6:15 PM,
Counsel said…
Amanda - good deal. Another joint project.
Y'all get a written agreement, huh? Yes, I know he's awesome. So was the last guy. A writing helps everyone remember what is said and eliminates most of the controversy. Get it in writing, k?
And you probably warrant an agent. If not now, then soon.
At 8:43 PM,
Mike Johnston said…
You should do a guest appearance on "Ask A Ninja" and discuss ways of "fixing Rocketboom".
That would be flippin' histerical!!!!
Just My 2 cents
Can't wait for the "new" stuff. ;)
At 9:48 PM,
CitizenX said…
Thank you, Amanda, for keeping us informed.
Looking forward to your next adventure!
At 10:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Amanda,
I just wanted to add my support for you, for what you've done, what your doing, and gonna do. I've watched Rocketboom almost everyday this year, and im going to miss your smiles!
God bless,
At 10:43 PM,
BionicBuddha said…
Great post. I like the Ironic tribute, it was well done.
At 11:25 PM,
Carl Weaver said…
You wrote:
"a certain insanely awesome videoblogger"
See, Amanda, you just let the secret out. Now everyone will know it's me you are working with.
At 4:22 AM,
dan said…
You make me wish I were 24 again. Oh, and had a studio and video gear and were insanely attractive.
Looking forward to whatever's next....
At 7:24 AM,
John said…
Hi Amanda,
You say on your website you do ski-ing, hiking and travelling. Suggest you take a break and head out here to the Outer Hebrides (archipelago of islands off the west coast of Scotland). Far from the madding crowd; it's a good place to chill out and get your head back in order.
Oh, btw we also have some of the best beaches in the world.
Plenty of hiking and travelling; no ski-ing here tho' :-)
At 8:26 AM,
Related IMPACT said…
I know you are not the cold hearted one, BUT there is a business opportunity here. After seeing the first two episodes of the new RB I think that the advertisers are going to be looking for a better use of their money. You have the whole world/blogophere/net/media is watching you.... Put this to go use...
I wish you the best.
At 8:47 AM,
Alf said…
Love from Korea. Of course, South.
At 12:15 PM,
carmilevy said…
I hope you continue to stay the course, Amanda. Something tells me you'll always manage to find a way to make lemonade from lemons.
No one ever said evolving an entirely new medium would be easy. Thankfully, we have you to help lead the way.
At 12:29 PM,
Bill Duncan said…
Hi Amanda, just ran across this story in Canada's National newspaper, The Globe and Mail. Thought you and the readers might enjoy it.
Best wishes
At 2:17 PM,
Ben said…
Amanda, I first stumbled upon RB, via Tivo, and last week I was definatly shocked to see no episdoes downloaded. Being a tech savy person, I first checked all my connections... Is Tivo on? Is it connected to the Wi-Fi? Is it downloading data? All yes... confusion persists. With my work schedule I had not had time to view RB online. Today I took a break during lunch and caught up on my RB, to find the sad news. RB was a great show, but it won't be the same without you. I look forward to seeing you soon. Class of '99 Rocks!
At 3:30 PM,
xorrox said…
As everyone else is offering to lend you cameras, studios, cheers, and praise, I can understand your frustration....
"What about a real job?!" you might ask....
I know, your resume doesn't show any cleaning or cooking skills, but I am willing to take the risk. The maid position is yours if you want it. I am even willing to give you the title "VP of Cleaning!"
How about it.....okay, this should not be said, but I guess on-line you never know....so....this is a joke...
cheers, praise, and all that jazz...
At 5:16 PM,
Jonos Rust said…
wow you're famous amanda topshaker in the rankings, CONGATULATIONS! I got a Blab site!
At 6:13 PM,
atomicelroy said…
if you remember your vlog about art with a lower case a...
you've just become... amanda.
"you should be diggin it while it's happening, cause it just may be aone shoot deal" FZ.
El Roy.
At 7:22 PM,
Walt Bennett said…
Well, Amanda, the new host doesn't suck, of course Rocketboom has a lot of buzz right now so many people are noticing that she doesn't suck, and you will soon not be missed on that site.
I hope you settle on your next move soon, while you are still remembered.
At 7:26 PM,
Molecular Turtle said…
really like the blog keep up the good work. Also a fan of introverted extroverts, i wrote the book:)
At 9:01 PM,
Antonio Howell, M.D. said…
I think what happened to you was awful. I wish you the best.
As Sinatra says, "the best revenge is MASSIVE success"
At 9:08 PM,
The Villager said…
I tried, but I just don't enjoy the show without you. Good luck, Amanda - I'm sure I'll see you pop up again online somewhere. Thanks for livening up my iPod....
At 9:42 PM,
HSTRIP said…
Dear Amanda,
Sorry to see you leave the show.
There was a small spark in time where you reigned supreme in the V-Blogosphere and where actually on the verge of greatness. Andrew Baron is a simple minded idiot. Not because of any thing you accused him of, but rather that he chose to destroy rather then exponentially create. Any other media mogul who is successful has franchised the hell out of success. Examples: Law and Order, CSI, American Idol. The formula is: duplicate and make more, not destroy and rebuild. I’m sure the masses would have loved Rocketboom West Coast and Rocket Book East Coast. We could have kept our love affair going with you Amanda, and welcomed your NYC replacement, rather than a comparative disappointment. It seems to me that Andrew lacks the self confidence to relinquish control, I don’t now how old he is, but a more mature person realizes that to manage grander scales, requires delegating old loved tasks to others. Managers with business experience get this and learn to not only to accept it, but embrace it and welcome the challenges that the higher positions presents.
I have been in a similar situation with 5 people sharing equal portions of a video production company that had no money. We called it “The Modern Edge (Alternative Music News)”. It was MTV with a brain. It was great while it lasted, we went to concerts and night clubs for free, got back stage to meet and interview different music bands (Smashing Pumpkins, Morrissey, Mick Jones, Crowded House, APB just to name a few). Then, just when the Fox network got serious about some funding, everyone got greedy, insecure and possessive. It blew up, much like Rocketboom is doing right now.
On the other hand, maybe this is all a PR stunt that is designed to draw attention to Rocketboom in the mainstream media and will eventually lead to Rocketbooms EAST and WEST. Then, Andrew would not be the idiot I accused him of being, but rather an evil genius. second only to Carl Rove. I hope I am right and this is just a PR stunt, ANDREW!!! HINT HINT (even if it not, you can pretend this was you idea all along) HINT HINT.
Good luck Amanda, I’ll keep my eye out for your future successes.
At 10:36 PM,
Legit Freebies Guy said…
Just found out about your site from Alexa.
I must say that you created a great site here!
At 1:41 AM,
Jason Meeker said…
You may have lost your 49%, but you have 110% of the talent. Keep on truckin.
Your fan,
Jason in Austin
At 8:55 AM,
Maychic said…
Hey Amanda:
I saw your blog website at Alexa and clicked and it brought me to your site.
I don't know what it is about. I tried to go to your regular website to know who you're but it was not loading.
So, I am still wondering who you're?
At 1:14 AM,
muthacomputer said…
I feel like we were dating, and you saw my star wars collection and dumped my sorry ass. i.e., sad.
good luck with everything though!! don't listen to the negative comments posted above (i only saw one, and felt I should write this).
the majority of your fans will support you in anything you do from now on. keep shaking...
At 3:31 AM,
Jason Heath said…
We miss you, Amanda. I'll eagerly await whatever new projects you undertake. Go Northwestern! (music alumn 1998)
At 6:03 AM,
Gauisus Speculaas said…
Hey. Bummer. Going straight from here to set up a Google Alert for your name. I unsubbed Rocketboom yesterday after seeing the Casual Friday show, which left an aching void in my jones for Amanda. I'm sure Ms. Conan is quite capable, but she's just no...well...you...
Perhaps one will see you in Second Life (a long-ago RB was my intro to that weird and lovely place), and perhaps one will see you somewhere available and spirit-enhancing again soon in RL. Cheers, good person, and best of the best to you.
At 6:52 AM,
Richard said…
Your blog looks awesome and with a lot of interesting stuff on it.
I found it interesting to read and was captivated by it.
Keep it up girl
At 1:34 PM,
Trevor said…
Rocketboom won't be the same without you, Amanda, but you have a huge following wherever you go!
At 1:34 AM,
Geoff said…
WOW #1 in the movers and shakers
LOL Ironic I got vnzibcvp sounds like the russain god from cthulhu.
I agree - " What the hellam I doing?"
But I neeed a Coffee
At 9:49 AM,
HomeImprovementNinja said…
Sorry to hear about your being forced out. If I were you* I wouldn't take this lying down. Why should you forfeit your 49% if you left involuntarily? I think you should talk to a lawyer. And I don't mean a derivatives lawyer, like me. I mean a litigator. A mean one that lives in the basement and eats raw meat.
*actually, if I were you, I would pose for Playboy and marry a really rich and disgustingly old guy and wait for him to die. It worked for Anna Nicole.
At 6:00 PM,
Byte said…
Amanda returns now!
At 9:05 AM,
Mary Anne Davis said…
I guess things change. I finally watched the new RB and well, I could barely sit through it. Probably my resistance to change, but maybe I just miss you and your wit. Wish I could take a break from making piles of pottery to go to Blogher, maybe next time. Meanwhile, what color would you like you new cup to be, to match your new set?
At 9:08 PM,
spavis said…
you + ze = super duckie awesome time
At 2:09 PM,
Romulus said…
IHNMTS except that you oughtta be on SNL. Hey... you could do Weekend Update. That would boost your career, just like it has for Denn-... er, Norm... uh, Kev--... er, David Spa-- uh, hmm, well, it would be a boost, ok?
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