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At 3:29 PM,
JuanFalla said…
I loved your pj's.
At 3:31 PM,
BD said…
At 3:53 PM,
Ramin said…
Good work. Your parents nailed the 'concerned' look, BTW. Might want to keep them as extras for your subsequent efforts :-)
Any chance of making guest appearances on ZeFrank's blog, now that you're collaborating? Make the Amanda and ZeFrank fans wet their communal pants, so to speak.
At 3:55 PM,
Mitch said…
Okay. . don’t hate me, but I’m still watching Rocketboom. So, after the wrong episode (wtf?) downloads into iTunes, I go to watch from the website. And, um, first I saw it (shit) and then I said it (ditto: shit). Then I read the comments trying to figure what that shit was. Then I read Drew’s post, but couldn’t figure out why he doesn’t understand how to plan in advance, and could only conclude that he doesn’t have his shit together.
Then I came here. Saw your vlog. . .laughed my ass off, and felt all was right again with the world. Especially loved the wild-eyed chopping action. Lovely mix of self deprecation with satire and metaphor. And at no point did you show me a pile of poo. Literally or figuratively.
You couldn’t have picked a better day to post. If there was ever a question about what made Rocketboom unique while you were there. . .just compare these two vlogs. One is full of shit.
At 3:57 PM,
Jochen said…
Well, where is it know, the video?
At 4:00 PM,
Amanda said…
A few tech difficulties have come up... the video d/l is extremely slow and the feeds are not working... resolving issues right now with the wonderful Steve Garfield. Thanks for understanding!
At 4:41 PM,
rashbre said…
Its not working at the moment, I will try again later.
At 5:24 PM,
Steven said…
Well done on the sketch. The knife bit was a little freaky but I loved the waitress shorts lol. Classy.
p.s I love chessecake.
Can anyone smell gas?
At 5:35 PM,
Jorge Cocompech said…
It's a great video . . Thanks for this... Jorge Cocompech
At 5:40 PM,
Unknown said…
Wow! You look a lot like your mom. What a fun video. And I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you and Ze Frank are working together.
Welcome back!!!
Today's episode brought to you by the Great Old One, Gwoxs.
At 5:45 PM,
Brian Clemons said…
Awesome video. I concur with the MSNBC video as well as the earlier comment today about Rocketboom... Same ol Same ol and just plain CRAP now that you are gone. Can't replace a face with one that looks the same, but doesn't act the sasme. Hopefully Rocketboom will continue since you still are 49% owner without the tips! =)
At 5:51 PM,
danielmcvicar said…
lovely, charming, bright, funny, heartrending, cozy(the pjs), determined, and so on....
I look forward to the days when your past is in your past.
As for now, this piece is a present.
Thanks Amanda
At 6:03 PM,
Amanda said…
Thanks for your support everyone! It keeps us going. Things are moving along now... and I’m busy making lemonade. The offers are just unbelievably overwhelming and keep rolling in, one more interesting and surprising than the next. I've narrowed things down considerably though and it's now just a matter of "how" I will work rather than "who" I will work with. The “how” (clearly) is the most important thing to me. So Phase 1 of Unboomed is complete. ;) Phase 2 is the "how". Phase 3 will be the announcement. And then *poof* UnBoomed will disappear and will be replaced by something… different... in the meantime, ov lov.
At 6:06 PM,
ChrisM70 said…
That was really great!
I enjoyed the "show" that you did for the stuffed animals!
Very funny and had some great inside jokes as well!
Will there be another post featuring Amanda trying out other jobs? I think that would fun to see...
At 6:13 PM,
Ed said…
Weren't those stuffed animals characters on Polka Dot Door?
The video takes a long time to upload in its current format, so I uploaded it to YouTube. The video is still being processed by YouTube, but should be available within a few minutes.
At 6:19 PM,
Amanda said…
Please don't upload my videos to YouTube or any other video hosting site. Now I have to ask for it to be taken down. Thanks!
At 6:58 PM,
Ed said…
OK Amanda, I'll take it down. But something has to be done to speed up your download process, or to otherwise make it easier for the viewer.
At 7:03 PM,
Amanda said…
Thanks, Ed! I appreciate that. I am definitely aware of the slow speeds and I'm working on it. Doing my best over here. :)
I want to provide you all with the best experience possible, so please keep the feedback (pos and neg) coming.
At 7:14 PM,
Great Stone Face said…
Thanks, Amanda. It flowed beautifully and the humor was great. Nine-nine percent perfect (just needs ze and Leila on camera).
At 7:15 PM,
Ryan Biesemeyer said…
thank you, as always, for providing three minutes of entertainment today. It was thoroughly enjoyed.
One thing I thought of while entering the 'word verification':
Our robotic focus here in the US is to increase their cognitive abilities, so that robots can understand more of their surroundings and better react to them, but at the same time, we're depending on the weaknesses in the system we're trying to fix for security. I wonder what we'll use when they eventually catch up with our optical recognition.
Ryan Biesemeyer
Bies Design Studio
At 7:32 PM,
Walter said…
You are very funny Amanda, really fun to watch.
At 8:05 PM,
Zadi said…
Hugs, hugs. Can't wait to see you! :)
At 9:06 PM,
Grant M said…
I thought the video was really funny...except the ending was not a happy one so that made me a little sad.
At 9:35 PM,
Brian Solis said…
Amanda, well done (and very clever I might add!) I'm really looking forward to your next gig.
Anyway, I wrote a glowing review of this post here:
At 9:39 PM,
Anon Emous said…
When I was watching you on RB, I could not help but feel you were destined for better things. You were great.. fresh, animated, articulate, beautiful, and everything else that makes a great new reader. In fact, I sort of thought a good match for you would be sitting with Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report.. you two have a sort of complimentary style that I think would work well on the show. Hey, can't hurt.. give me a call.. refer him to your past vblogs as a reference.
Good luck!!
At 10:18 PM,
Peter said…
You are the best. I love everything you do. I check your web site everyday to see what you are up to.
Keep up the great work.
At 11:19 PM,
barce said…
That was awesome, hilarious stuff. Yeah, sad, like matt mcnerney said, but heartfelt and dare I say it, "Sooo rocketboom. Yea!"
I'm about to send you an email from my work account. Benjamin... er... Amanda... I've got one word for ya, and it's not plastics: Anime!
More deets in the email... but a hint of what's in it can be found here:
note how sysadmins are cheered on LIKE RAWKSTARS in this video.
At 6:17 AM,
Justin said…
Having families (of all types) who really support you rocks, doesn't it?
At 6:36 AM,
Mr Murray said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 8:41 AM,
WO7 said…
That was a great show Amanda. And on time to.(I watch in the morning before work in Okla.) Keep it up>
At 8:46 AM,
Marked Hoosier said…
Cole Slaw, Cole Slaw, Cole Slaw...
Don't we all wish we had some cole slaw?
Funny stuff! Thanks for the laugh :)
At 9:19 AM,
Bev Sykes said…
So great to see you "back" again. You have too much talent not to burst out somewhere.
At 10:07 AM,
Fabricio said…
At 10:15 AM,
Randman said…
Coleslaw Coleslaw Coleslaw
Pretty funny. I was expecting you to clear the table, and throw the placemats, ala the news stories.
Keep it up.
At 11:02 AM,
James said…
Now THAT was funny. I mean laugh out loud funny. You have nailed the breakup and its aftermath in your first outing. The video, the sound, the bit pieces, the cameos, the editing--everything was on target.
The narration was a little redundant because of the words on screen, but not a big deal. Viewed another way, it highlighted the melodrama of it all.
I do hope you will move on to regular content to show that you're over that OTHER site. Leave it to your faithful fans to make comparisons and throw stones. Now that the initial shock is over, you should endeavor to remain blissfully above the fray and speak through your lawyer.
Please let us know how often you plan on doing this. (The more the better, of course!)
I have linked your site at my blog. Pls check it out and let me know what you think.
When can we do something? I'd love to write something for you.
At 11:36 AM,
RT said…
That reminded me of Rocketboom, you know, when it was relevant
At 12:04 PM,
welcome to wallyworld said…
I found it funny (especially the onion chopping) but sad. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.
At 12:04 PM,
themacjedi said…
Somewhat bland until I got to the onion chopping, I busted out laughing. Then "ding, cole slaw, ding cole slaw", very clever.
When my wife saw the new Rocketboom she said "What in the BLOODY HELL is that?" LOL
Best of luck Amanda, good stuff.
At 12:04 PM,
Amanda said…
I'm still working out the kinks. Anyone should feel free to cut up the piece and play with it... and post it wherever. But please just don't upload the vid *as is* somewhere else, or I will not receive any ad rev. You see, I am trying to make some money with the Revver ads.
People have made donations for me at places like, which is a super sweet thought, but not really my style. Donate to the Red Cross, not to me! :) Anyway, I enjoy making money for myself.
And whatever you do, don't succumb to YouTube if at all possible. They own your video and can make commercial works out of it once you upload.
At 12:40 PM,
Brian said…
Is it possible to get the video up in WMV format? My work CPU doesn't support Quicktime.
At 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:41 PM,
Guy Ellis said…
Amanda - I don't understand why you don't want it uploaded to other hosting sites. According to Revver:
[quote]Since the Revverized ad is embedded in your video, and can be changed anytime, you get paid no matter where your video may go regardless if it is:
* E-mailed to friends
* Burned to a CD
* Uploaded to another popular website
* Shared via P2P or IM
* Linked on,,, your own blog, or anywhere else[/quote]
At 1:41 PM,
Dizmang Properties Real Estate said…
Amanda, you're so awesome. Thanks for keeping a hilarious outlook on this odd situation that has been played out in front of the blogging world. It's clear that you're coming out on top and better than ever.
At 3:57 PM,
dan said…
Love it, Love it, *LOVE* it!
Have you thought of working for The Daily Show? I could easily see you on there alongside Ed Helms, Samantha Bee, Rob Corddry,
At 4:13 PM,
Ken said…
I hear Calacanis is hiring...
At 4:40 PM,
Amanda said…
I've heard your requests in the comments and via your lovely emails! The WMV version is coming. Please let me know what other formats you desire... I want to get a sense of what people want, without going buck wild and making 80 different video files.
At 5:13 PM,
Author said…
Now that was real!
Service industry. Life in America.
I've come to love Ze Frank too... got news of your new vid by reading thru the comments there today.
Anyhoo your new vid is prime quality. Keep up the good work.
At 6:26 PM,
Russ Turley said…
I didn't know they still made gas station pants. You have to give up your source.
At 8:19 PM,
Mark said…
Love the self-deprecating humor and the cameos from the folks! Hey, now I know where the talent comes from.
Looking forward to your new plans.
At 8:33 PM,
Brian said…
Very funny stuff. I'm glad to see a good parody of what went down.
I also am still watching Rocketboom. Joanne is fun to watch (in a differnt way from yourself, of course), but it's obviously been a rough transition over there. I still hope it gets better from them and for you in your continued pursuits.
At 9:36 PM,
CitizenX said…
Glad you finally got this video running.
Only a positive person who is not concerned about landing prosperous future endeavors would shed this humorous light on themselves.
It was really wonderful to see your sick twisted humor.
Love that the non-blinking Ze had a hand in this.
At 2:20 AM,
Jacek said…
Oh it is so sad... but still very nice to watch. I wish you good luck on finding job.
Greetings from Poland
At 6:33 AM,
Justin said…
The thing about Revver, as far as I know, is that if you upload the vid to video streaming sites such as YouTube or MySpace, the ads won't be interactive. The Flash player doesn't accept the QuickTime embed stuff that lets you click on the links. And on top of that, to paraphrase one of the writers, you wouldn't want it on the World's Stupidest People DVD Collection.
Anyway, thanks for slapping the CC on it, Amanda. Hopefully someone can make something with it.
At 7:22 AM,
Angelo Franco said…
Amanda, I am glad you're back, in this video you really sparkled.
Hope you continue and shine every day.
At 7:34 AM,
Pixelriffic said…
Not a vlog at all, but rather more a short film. A pretty damn funny and well produced short film at that. I really enjoyed Rocketboom, but I'd also like to see more shorts like this one. A few folks seem to miss the self effacing humor here, but I got a big kick out of it.
Great work
At 8:37 AM,
Dossy Shiobara said…
Hey, Amanda, was this where you were?
At 8:48 AM,
Brian said…
Brian, what CPU doesn't support QT?
Andy, mine doesn't.
Thanks, Amanda!
At 10:45 AM,
nycdesigner said…
Re the computer not suppporting QT; Brian probably meant he cannot download and install QT for Win because he's not allowed to.
But what's up with not being able to "download" the QT version? I have QT Pro and always can "grab" them, but did someone "lock" this version, but let the WMV roam free?
I would like ability to save the QT version, being a Mac person and all.
Lil' help?
At 11:01 AM,
Unknown said…
Ok, how about Amanda doing a daring late night cow tipping raid complete with night vision and super-spy music. Or maybe a documentary on just how many chickens actually cross roads, and a daring expose on why. Or, is a pig really happy in sh*t?
Ok, so I may be from Connecticut, but don't know so much about farming. Sorry.
At 12:15 PM,
Mary Anne Davis said…
Oh yay, finally got my hit...Thanks! Things change, life goes on, processing in public, it's all good. I know you are going to charm us with whatever you do, Amanda and I am watching. You continue to rock-
:-) mad
At 8:17 PM,
William H Wilkins III said…
Is this the story of Amanda after RB, in a seamless series of (vblog) events into the permenment, new, MASSIVE-MONSTER-VBLOG-HIT?? My suggestion is to spin this off to it's own site, keep this up on a 3-day, 2-day, then daily, cycle while building your team, and roll it into the new hit. Amanda- Zero to RB-Hero (then zero, then less than zero, then back to zero, then SUPER HERO!!
I love your spirit- no one can replace that, and it's YOURS, baby!
At 9:59 PM,
The Floating Cat said…
Nice job to everyone involved with this little production. Short, sweet, and funny. Glad to see it was a family affair.
Props to Mario for playing the dual role of "restaurant patron" and "restaurant manager".
At 10:05 PM,
Grayson: Atlanta, GA said…
Oh my... that was sad, touching and snarky - all at the same time! What better kinda contempo-fem-combo can there be? All women know that when you gather 'round the ancients, the stuffed animals, life's been taking you down one of those tricky, rocky roads.
But anyone who has the good common sense to fall back on ye olde reliables, be it the folks or the bears, is simply a damn good, strong American woman.
Gawd if I couldn't go for some old fashioned flag wavin' about right now. Or hum a few bars of the Mary Typer Moore theme. Hell, vote Republican even!
Yep Amanda... you're our Millenium Mary. And we love ya for it.
"...gonna make it after all..."
At 3:01 PM,
Ed said…
I don't mean to be obtuse about this Amanda, but I don't understand your objection to YouTube.
When I watched the video in Quicktime, I didn't see any clickable links, nor do I see any ads for Revver on your blog, so I don't see how you're getting ad revenue from them. Now if there is some sort of revenue you're receiving from Revver, well good. However, I had never heard of Revver before you posted your video there. Does someone need to actually go to the Revver site to see these ads for which you're getting paid?
I looked at YouTube's terms of service, and in section 5B, in boldface, is the following: "For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your User Submissions."
If you really want to make money at this, ad revenue will only go so far. For the big bucks, you've got to go with merchandise. Unboomed the T-shirt! Unboomed the lunchbox! Unboomed the breakfast cereal! Unboomed the flamethrower (the kids love this one)! And last but not least, Unboomed the doll (may da schwartz be wit you)!
Ok, maybe I got a little carried away there, but a CafePress account sure would help you generate some bucks.
At 1:29 AM,
Steven said…
Brian what are you using to watch the quicktime video a 20 year old pc?
You saying that your CPU doesn't support quicktime doesn't make sense. The CPU processes raw data. It must be a software issue which you should be able to fix easily by installing iTunes or quicktime.
That would be like saying my CPU supports BMP images and not JPEGs. Comment doesn't make sense.
At 5:24 PM,
- Terrence said…
Thanks for the tip about YouTube. That's good to know.
I just wanted to say, though I am sure you already know, that you don't want to waste the opportunity you have now. I heard about the many offers coming to you and thought it would be waste to spend your talents working for "The Man" for any reason. You have a huge following that you should capitalize on with some totally original and that is all your own. I fully believe that podcasting or vlogging and internet media is the future and you already stepped into the time machine!
I'll keep watching,
At 6:14 PM,
Sam said…
That was funny though it was also sad. I wish you the very best Amanda. Your deserve to go places, nice places.
At 12:49 PM,
deannie said…
We all need to explore this side of is scary and evil feeling. I like a person who can face it and laugh too.
Seriously, this was just for fun; with your talent you will be able to cherry pick positions...
At 3:44 AM,
Ed said…
Steven, I can see why Brian wouldn't have Quicktime - in order to get it, you have to also download iTunes and whatever other programs Apple includes. Not wanting to load up my computer with all sorts of junk files myself, I downloaded Quick Time Alternative. After all, why download 120 Meg of garbage when all I want is the 12 Meg file that runs quicktime?
At 9:33 PM,
Shawn said…
Super cute! Made me tear just a little. You know, in that manly kind of way...
We'd all love to see a follow-up!
I really do miss your daily dose of sunshine.
At 6:44 PM,
Steve Burgess said…
Coleslaw, coleslaw, coleslaw....
I'm fired!
Loved it - loved the self-deprecating humor and - a great job on the videography!
i think that the person who suggested that you make this your deal was right - you and your team should just turn this into a regular treat.
Next time in Connecticut, I am going to track down The Meeting Place and have some coleslaw!
Happy trails,
At 12:48 PM,
MRK said…
hello there Amanda, I think u r just too lovely, for god's sake I've never seen any lads as pretty as u r...
fingers crossed. xD
At 8:28 AM,
Tim Brunsden said…
Amanda - you'll do well - just pull your knickers up and keep on boxing!
At 6:35 PM,
az0madman said…
You cutting the onions is the single most creepy thing I've seen in a long awhile. Maybe you can make horror movies on the side.
At 10:21 AM,
Chuck said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 12:59 AM,
Chuck said…
Again, I thought the video was good.
I was sadden by the end. Parents look really worried.
For more funny videos please visit my blog.
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